- 2017-04-14 咖啡沙龙第一百六十七期——Molecular phylogenetic signal is insufficient to confidently resolve the squamate topology
- 2017-04-14 咖啡沙龙第一百六十六期——古人类颅面复原系列讲座2——计算机辅助3D虚拟复原古人类颅面形态
- 2017-04-13 博士后进站报告(葛勇)
- 2017-04-10 咖啡沙龙第一百六十五期——古人类颅面复原系列讲座1——颅骨面貌复原的沿革与发展
- 2017-04-06 咖啡沙龙第一百六十四期——Evolution of paleoenvironments in central Mongolia from the Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene based on mammalian paleocommunities
- 2017-03-30 咖啡沙龙第一百六十三期——The East-West hominin connection: the evidence from Atapuerca
- 2017-03-30 咖啡沙龙第一百六十二期——Middle Miocene - Pleistocene herpetofauna of the Western Siberia: paleobiogeographic and -climatic implications
- 2017-03-23 咖啡沙龙第一百六十一期——Phylogenetic Analyses in Pterosauria and the application of TNT
- 2017-03-09 咖啡沙龙第一百六十期——CT技术、三维可视化、图像分割与建模在古生物学中的应用
- 2017-02-23 咖啡沙龙第一百五十九期——Investigations of diceCT for avian cephalic material: experiment and simulation approach
- 2017-02-17 咖啡沙龙第一百五十八期——科学教育新思路
- 2017-02-13 咖啡沙龙第一百五十七期——Restudy of the Homo naledi and Australopithecus sediba specimens demonstrate the presence of multiple species
- 2017-02-06 咖啡沙龙第一百五十六期——Uncinate Processes and the Evolution of the Ribcage in Archosaurian Reptiles
- 2017-01-06 咖啡沙龙第一百五十五期——Phylogeography and phenotypic evolution of long-tailed macaques in Southeast Asia
- 2016-12-29 咖啡沙龙第一百五十四期——The origin of rice domestication: single or multiple, that is the question